Muk Alola#10113

- 1 m
- 52 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
After recent environmental improvements, this Pokémon is now hardly seen at all. People speculate that it may go extinct at some point.
As it moves, a very strong poison leaks from it, making the ground there barren for three years.
A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact.
Because they scatter germs everywhere, they’ve long been targeted for extermination, leading to a steep decline in their population.
From Muk’s body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of this Pokémon’s body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid.
Poison Touch
Has a 30% chance of poisoning target Pokémon upon contact.
Makes the Pokémon eat any held Berry triggered by low HP below 1/2 its max HP.
Power Of Alchemy
HiddenWhen an ally faints, this Pokémon gains its Ability.