
- 1.4 m
- 88.4 kg
- 1 : 0:
- 20 cycles
After heightening its will to fight by whipping itself with its three tails, it charges at full speed.
Although it’s known to be a fierce Pokémon, Tauros in the Alola region are said to possess a measure of calmness.
A rowdy Pokémon with a lot of stamina. Once running, it won’t stop until it hits something.
Historically, people in areas all over the world have ridden Tauros, but the practice is said to have started in Alola.
It is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all times. If there is no opponent for TAUROS to battle, it will charge at thick trees and knock them down to calm itself.
Lowers opponents' Attack one stage upon entering battle.
Anger Point
Raises Attack to the maximum of six stages upon receiving a critical hit.
Sheer Force
HiddenStrengthens moves with extra effects to 1.3× their power, but prevents their extra effects.