
- 0.3 m
- 3.3 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 10 cycles
Its capacity to produce electricity is somewhat limited, so it gets charged up by letting lightning strike it!
The long hairs on its back act as lightning rods. The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac.
The spiny fur on its back is normally at rest. When this Pokémon becomes agitated, its fur stands on end and stabs into its attackers.
When it’s in trouble, it curls up into a ball, makes its fur spikes stand on end, and then discharges electricity indiscriminately.
When it’s surprised or agitated, the 14 fur spikes on its back will stand up involuntarily.
Iron Barbs
Damages attacking Pokémon for 1/8 their max HP on contact.
Lightning Rod
Redirects single-target electric moves to this Pokémon where possible. Absorbs Electric moves, raising Special Attack one stage.
HiddenPrevents being KOed from full HP, leaving 1 HP instead. Protects against the one-hit KO moves regardless of HP.