
- 1.3 m
- 149.5 kg
- 7 : 1:
- 30 cycles
Evolution Chain
Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries.
It lived in the same environments as Rampardos. Their fossils have been found together— seemingly from after they’d fought to the finish.
Its face is sturdy—as strong as diamond—and this hardness offers a very stable defense. Much about this species is still unknown, such as its natural habitat.
The bones of its face are huge and hard, so they were mistaken for its spine until after this Pokémon was successfully restored.
This Pokémon is from roughly 100 million years ago. Its terrifyingly tough face is harder than steel.
Prevents being KOed from full HP, leaving 1 HP instead. Protects against the one-hit KO moves regardless of HP.
HiddenProtects against sound-based moves.