
- 1 m
- 28.4 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 15 cycles
Evolution Chain
A colorful and incredibly beautiful but also greedy Pokémon. In an effort to keep its favorite food all to itself, it will chase away Combee as they try to gather nectar.
Beautifly has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very convenient for collecting pollen from flowers. This Pokémon rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen.
Beautifly’s favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen.
Despite its appearance, it has an aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing with its long, thin mouth.
Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
Strengthens bug moves to inflict 1.5× damage at 1/3 max HP or less.
HiddenIncreases damage inflicted to 1.25× against Pokémon of the same gender, but decreases damage to 0.75× against the opposite gender.