
- 0.3 m
- 3 kg
- 1 : 3:
- 10 cycles
Evolution Chain
According to local rumors, Cleffa are often seen in places where shooting stars have fallen.
Because of its silhouette, it’s believed to be a star reborn. For some reason, it loves Minior.
If the impact site of a meteorite is found, this Pokémon is certain to be within the immediate area.
In silhouette, they resemble twinkling starlight. When shooting stars rain from the night sky, Cleffa gather in numbers and dance as though they are indeed incarnations of the stars.
It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It’s said to arrive riding on a shooting star.
Cute Charm
Has a 30% chance of infatuating attacking Pokémon on contact.
Magic Guard
Protects against damage not directly caused by a move.
Friend Guard
HiddenDecreases all direct damage taken by friendly Pokémon to 0.75×.