
- 0.6 m
- 5 kg
- 1 : 3:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
Clusters of Corsola congregate in warm seas where they serve as ideal hiding places for smaller Pokémon. When the water temperature falls, this Pokémon migrates to the southern seas.
Coral branches grow from its head. They break off quite easily, but they grow back in about three days.
CORSOLA live in warm southern seas. If the sea becomes polluted, the beautiful coral stalks become discolored and crumble away in tatters.
Corsola’s branches glitter very beautifully in seven colors when they catch sunlight. If any branch breaks off, this Pokémon grows it back in just one night.
In Alola, where their natural enemies Mareanie are plentiful, many Corsola have stubby branches on their heads.
Strengthens physical moves to inflict 1.5× damage, but decreases their accuracy to 0.8×.
Natural Cure
Cures any major status ailment upon switching out.
HiddenHeals for 1/3 max HP upon switching out.