
- 1.7 m
- 76.6 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
A GOLDUCK is an adept swimmer. It sometimes joins competitive swimmers in training. It uses psychic powers when its forehead shimmers with light.
A Pokémon that lives in lakes. It swims faster than any human swimming champion.
A professional swimmer, it can continue swimming for two days straight by waving its long tail skillfully.
Even fast-swimming fish Pokémon can be disabled by Golduck. It brings them to a standstill and seizes them.
Golduck is the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon. It swims effortlessly, even in a rough, stormy sea. It sometimes rescues people from wrecked ships floundering in high seas.
Prevents self destruct, explosion, and aftermath from working while the Pokémon is in battle.
Cloud Nine
Negates all effects of weather, but does not prevent the weather itself.
Swift Swim
HiddenDoubles Speed during rain.