
- 0.4 m
- 10.3 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows.
It has a small heart and brain. Its stomach comprises most of its body, with enzymes to dissolve anything.
Most of Gulpin’s body is made up of its stomach—its heart and brain are very small in comparison. This Pokémon’s stomach contains special enzymes that dissolve anything.
There is nothing its stomach can’t digest. While it is digesting, vile, overpowering gases are expelled.
This Pokémon’s stomach fluid can even digest scrap iron. In one gulp, it can swallow something that is as large as itself.
Liquid Ooze
Damages opponents using leeching moves for as much as they would heal.
Sticky Hold
Prevents a held item from being removed by other Pokémon.
HiddenMakes the Pokémon eat any held Berry triggered by low HP below 1/2 its max HP.