
- 0.4 m
- 3.5 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
By exposing foes to the blinking of its luminescent spots, Inkay demoralizes them, and then it seizes the chance to flee.
It draws prey near with its blinking lights and then wraps them up in its long tentacles and holds them in place.
It flashes the light-emitting spots on its body, which drains its opponent’s will to fight. It takes the opportunity to scuttle away and hide.
It spins while making its luminescent spots flash. These spots allow it to communicate with others by using different patterns of light.
Opponents who stare at the flashing of the light-emitting spots on its body become dazed and lose their will to fight.
Inverts stat changes.
Suction Cups
Prevents being forced out of battle by other Pokémon's moves.
HiddenBypasses light screen, reflect, and safeguard.