
- 1 m
- 33.4 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
Although this Pokémon has specialized eyes that allow it to see in the dark, Krokorok won’t move much at night—the desert gets cold after sunset.
It buries some of its prey in the sand to use as emergency meals when its hunts are unsuccessful.
Krokorok has specialized eyes that enable it to see in the dark. This ability lets Krokorok hunt in the dead of night without getting lost.
Krokorok really hates it when its body gets cold. On nights when the temperature drops, it digs deep into the desert sands.
Protected by thin membranes, their eyes can see even in the dead of night. They live in groups of a few individuals.
Lowers opponents' Attack one stage upon entering battle.
Raises Attack one stage upon KOing a Pokémon.
Anger Point
HiddenRaises Attack to the maximum of six stages upon receiving a critical hit.