
- 0.3 m
- 3.1 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
Its flame is usually out, but it starts shining when it absorbs life force from people or Pokémon.
Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns.
The flame on its head keeps its body slightly warm. This Pokémon takes lost children by the hand to guide them to the spirit world.
The younger the life this Pokémon absorbs, the brighter and eerier the flame on its head burns.
While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it.
Flash Fire
Protects against fire moves. Once one has been blocked, the Pokémon's own Fire moves inflict 1.5× damage until it leaves battle.
Flame Body
Has a 30% chance of burning attacking Pokémon on contact.
HiddenBypasses light screen, reflect, and safeguard.