
- 1 m
- 30 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
About an hour after birth, its fiery mane and tail grow out, giving it an impressive appearance.
A PONYTA is very weak at birth. It can barely stand up. Its legs become stronger as it stumbles and falls while trying to keep up with its parent.
As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster.
Capable of jumping incredibly high. Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb the impact of a hard landing.
If you’ve been accepted by Ponyta, its burning mane is mysteriously no longer hot to the touch.
Run Away
Ensures success fleeing from wild battles.
Flash Fire
Protects against fire moves. Once one has been blocked, the Pokémon's own Fire moves inflict 1.5× damage until it leaves battle.
Flame Body
HiddenHas a 30% chance of burning attacking Pokémon on contact.