
- 2.4 m
- 282.8 kg
- 1 : 1:
- 20 cycles
Evolution Chain
From holes in its palms, it fires out Geodude. Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions.
It can launch a rock held in its hand like a missile by tightening then expanding muscles instantly.
It can load up to three projectiles per arm into the holes in its hands. What launches out of those holes could be either rocks or Roggenrola.
It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its muscles to shoot them. Geodude are shot at rare times.
It relies on its carapace to deflect incoming attacks and throw its enemy off balance. As soon as that happens, it drives its drill into the foe.
Lightning Rod
Redirects single-target electric moves to this Pokémon where possible. Absorbs Electric moves, raising Special Attack one stage.
Solid Rock
Decreases damage taken from super-effective moves by 1/4.
HiddenStrengthens recoil moves to 1.2× their power.